News & Announcements

Keeping up with Northminster on Facebook

One of the tools we, and many other churches, use to stay connected with our members and the community is Facebook.  Recently, Facebook has made some much needed changes to what appears in your news feed.  While these changes are necessary and important, one of the consequences is that our posts to our Facebook Page aren’t pushed out to those who “like” our page as much as they used to be.  Here are some helpful tips on how to ensure that you are seeing our posts:
  • Make sure you click “See First”. As shown in the picture above, this will prioritize Northminster’s posts in your news feed.  Hover over the “Following” button near the cover photo, then select “See First.”
  • Edit your News Feed Preferences.  On a desktop computer, click the Down Arrow next to the Help icon (a ‘?’) in the upper right corner, then click “News Feed Preferences.”  In the Facebook app on your phone or tablet, click the Menu icon in the bottom right corner (looks like three lines), then scroll down to “News Feed Preferences.”  From here, you can choose which pages you would like to see more frequently in your news feed.
  • Like, Comment and Share posts.  The more folks interact with posts on the church’s Page, the more people will be reached with those posts.  You can also share any posts or sermons from our website by clicking the blue “Share” button included in each post.
We hope these tips will be helpful for you.  Let us know if you have any questions!


Valentine’s Covered Dish Lunch this Sunday

The Fellowship Committee would like to invite you to stay after church this Sunday, February 11 for a covered dish meal immediately following the worship service. The theme is Valentine’s, and everyone is invited to attend and bring a favorite dish to share.
We look forward to seeing you there!  Contact the church office if you have any questions.


Truth, Understanding, Purpose and the Five Living Generations

For the first time in human history, we have five generations alive, interacting, and shaping our world at the same time. Actually, we have an unprecedented SIX generations, although the youngest is just now finishing their first decade. Each of these generations has very different values, priorities, understandings of truth and meaning, and approach life in very different ways. What does that mean for us, individually? What does it mean for us, as a church?
With each passing year, these questions and the challenges these generations face in understanding each other only grows. And yet, we are called to be a people of many generations, and if we want to effectively pass the faith on to the generations to come, we need to build bridges and relationships across generational lines. There is much each generation can learn from the others, and much each generation has to offer the others.
Join us at Table Talk, beginning January 10 at 5:30pm.


Join us for Table Talk, beginning January 10.

We invite you to join us for a new weekly opportunity to fellowship together, explore how culture and God’s Word connect, and enjoy a great dinner.  Each Wednesday, beginning at 5:30, we’ll enjoy a delicious dinner and then have a time of teach and discussion.  Some weeks we’ll hear from missions and missionaries we support.  Some weeks we’ll pray for one another and our community.  While exactly what goes on might change, what will be consistent is the opportunity we have to grow as a community and as individual disciples of Christ.
Dinner is $5 per person, $15 per family. RSVPs (contact the church office) are appreciated, so we can make sure to have enough food.  But don’t worry, if you don’t RSVP, come anyway, we’ll always make sure to have plenty.
We’ll wrap up around 6:45 each week, so those of you who are in the choir will have plenty of time to get ready.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 10 for our first Table Talk!


2018 Youth Ministry Winter Retreat

We’re partnering with several churches from Lynchburg, Roanoke for an awesome winter retreat at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center!  This is open to all students from 6th through 12th grades.  It’s going to be a fantastic time and we hope you’ll join us.
We will meet at Northminster at 2PM on Sunday, January 14 and return at 5PM Monday, January 15.  Don’t worry, it’s MLK weekend, so there’s no school on Monday.
The cost is $54 per student.  Registration deadline is Sunday, December 31.
Click this link to sign up and download a permission slip!  We look forward to seeing you there!


Youth Ministry Christmas Celebration – December 10, 6:00PM

All students in 5th through 12th grade are invited to join us as we celebrate the season with crazy Christmas games, fun activities, a message reminding us of why Christmas matters, and, of course, a ‘white elephant’ gift exchange!  Each student should bring a gift (the crazier the better, but keep it under $5…and yes, the sweater grandma gave you last Christmas is perfect for a white elephant gift exchange!).  As always, we’ll wrap up by 7:30.  We’ll see you (and we hope you’ll bring a friend, too) there!


Christmas Decorating – December 2

It’s that exciting time of year when we dress up our homes for Christmas. And, we also delight in being able to dress up God’s house, too. We would love for you to join us Saturday, December 2, from 9am – noon (or whenever during that time you are available), as we put up beautiful trees, candles, wreaths, banners, and more! Morning snacks and a light lunch will hopefully make things even more enjoyable! Hope to see you there!


Halloween Trunk or Treat!

Join us on Halloween (Tuesday, October 31) from 6-8 PM for a fun, safe place to share your awesome costumes, enjoy one another’s company and (of course) receive a lot of candy! Cars will be parked in the front parking lot.
For the safety of the children, please have your car parked by 6 PM. This event is open to all folks, of any age, whether you are a member of Northminster or not. Folks from the community are more than welcome!


How to pack an OCC Shoebox!

We are excited to be helping out with Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry once again this year.  Many of you have been asking exactly what goes into and how to pack a shoebox.  Below you can find two very helpful links to get you started.

How to Pack a Shoebox for a Child in Need


What Goes in my Shoebox?

Packing a shoebox is a quick and easy way to make a huge difference in the life of a child in a part of the world that really needs it.  Thank you for joining us in this mission opportunity!  If you have any questions, contact us at the church office.


Men’s Breakfast This Saturday!

Join us this Saturday for a fantastic fresh-cooked breakfast, warm fellowship and an encouraging devotion, all being served up at 8 AM. All men of the church and


Join us for our next Movie Night!

The Mission-Outreach-Evangelism Committee invites you, your family and your friends to join us for our next movie night on Sunday, October 8 at 6:30 PM!