As much a part of Christmas as decorations and presents, the Christmas season is defined by song. In fact, the Bible is full of songs announcing the coming and birth of the Savior. We begin on Christ the King Sunday with the “Christ Hymn” from Philippians 2. Then, beginning December 2, we’ll take a look at six of those songs and find ourselves connecting with the eager anticipation of that first Christmas as we look forward to and prepare for this coming celebration of the birth of our Savior.

William Hendriksen opens his commentary on Ephesians with these words: “Loathsome wickedness marked the world of Paul’s day (Eph. 2:2; cf. Rom. 1:18-32) . Efforts to improve this condition were largely unsuccessful. Mankind was “without hope” (2:12). The same perversity coupled with pessimism obtains today.” He wrote those words in 1967. And what was true in AD 67, and in 1967, is still true today, in 2018. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians abounds with hope and overflows with the lavishness of God’s blessings. As we work our way through this amazing book, we will see that True riches can’t be found in anything the world offers, but rather flow unceasingly from God.

The story of Jonah is simple enough for children to grasp, yet rich enough for adults to delight in as well. Interestingly enough, the portion of the story that Jonah is best known for is only a couple of verses out of the entire book. As we work our way through this well-known tale, we will not only see ourselves in the story, but begin to find God’s heart of relentless love for His children.
Summer Guest Preachers
In June and July, we were blessed to hear from three guest preachers. You can find their messages here.

At first glance, Ecclesiastes can seem like a pessimistic pile of skepticism and futility. But there’s a reason why this book is included in the canon of Scripture, and it’s part of why it’s one of my favorite books in the whole Bible. As Eugene Peterson writes,“The author’s cool skepticism, a refreshing negation to the lush and seductive suggestions swirling around us, promising everything but delivering nothing, clears the air. And once the air is cleared, we are ready for reality – for God.” Over the course of this series, we’ll look at the futility of everything, the necessity of community, the life-giving nature of grief, and wrap up with a look at the only thing that really matters in the end.

Emil Brunner once wrote, “[the atonement] is the Christian religion itself; it is the main point; it is not something alongside of the center, it is the substance and kernel, not the husk.” But many today struggle to accept this most central of Christian doctrines. Through this series, we will seek to understand the importance of Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross and what it means for our faith and our life today.

- Feb 11, 2018The Gospel of the Revealed King
- Feb 4, 2018The Gospel of the King Trusted
- Jan 28, 2018The Gospel of the Devoted King
- Jan 21, 2018The Gospel of the Redeeming King
- Jan 14, 2018The Gospel of the Threatening King
- Jan 7, 2018The Gospel of the Worshipped King
- Dec 31, 2017The Beginning of the Gospel

The Christian season of Epiphany runs from January 6 (the Feast of Epiphany) up to Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins. It is a season in which we intentionally and purposefully reflect on the wonder and awe of the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. And it provides for us an opportunity to look, with fresh eyes and ears, at the Gospel. For the Apostles, the Gospel was simply (and profoundly) the declaration of the good news that King Jesus has come to redeem Israel and all people. That is what we’re seeking to explore through this series.