Youth Ministry
Current Series

Before I Go – When Jesus Invites Us to do The Impossible
If you knew your time on Earth was coming to an end, what would you want to say to the people in your life before you go? For Jesus, the days leading up to His death were filled with meaningful conversations with the people around Him. In this series, as we look at some of His last words, we’ll discover what Jesus really wanted His followers—both then and now—to know.
March 26: Unity begins with You.
April 2: Consistently be real with God about how you feel.
April 9: No Youth Group (Easter)
April 16: No Youth Group (Spring Break)
April 23: Because of Jesus, we can be close to God.
April 30: God’s grace is unfairly good.
Youth Ministry News & Announcements

Youth Ministry April 2021 Update


Weekly Youth Group Meetings Resume September 27, 2020!


NEPC’s Response to COVID-19

March 18, 2020
Dear Friends,
We are in unprecedented times, being forced into new patterns of being that feel unnatural and strange, but are ever so necessary in order to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread of this pandemic. The rhythm and flow of our “normal” lives has been completely disrupted, and we’re just beginning to experience what this is going to be like. It’s hard, it’s scary, and it’s frightening. What are we to do? Well, there are a few answers to that, which I’d like to share with you today.
What am I to do?
Be wise and prudent, but not fearful. We can take the novel coronavirus seriously and apply appropriate social distancing and good hygiene without falling into fear. I encourage you to follow the guidelines issued by the CDC and the federal and state governments. Wash your hands often, don’t touch your face, stay 6’ away from others, and avoid large group gatherings. But even with those efforts you might contract the virus. Whether you do or not, you are always in Jesus’ hands. He is present with us in our isolation, our quarantines and even more in our illnesses. He is already and will continue to watch over each one of us. We need not fear for our present or future, because Jesus is already there.
What is our church to do?
Both Scripture (Romans 13:1) and our confession (Westminster 23.4) command us to submit to civil authorities, and while (at the time of the writing of this letter) no law has been issued barring us from gathering for worship, we do believe that it is our civic responsibility to comply, as best as possible, with their recommendations to slow the spread of this virus. To that end, we have cancelled all ministries and missions outside of worship. This includes Sunday school, Bible studies, women’s circles, and youth group. We are also moving the focus of our worship service to online streaming. As long as you have an internet-connected device (cell phone, TV, computer, iPad, etc), you can join us for worship. Simply go to at 11am on Sunday morning, and you’ll see the livestream there (you do not need a Facebook account to see the service). We will publish the bulletin online so you can follow along. We’ll send more information about how this works on different devices in a few days. In addition, the Sanctuary will still be open if you would like to be present with us, but we encourage folks to sit 6’ apart. But let me re-emphasize: If you are in the higher-risk categories for COVID-19, please do not put yourself at risk by going out. Also, if you have been reading for B90, by all means keep it up! While our discussion groups won’t be meeting, we’ll email you online videos and tools.
The Work of the Church goes on
In the midst of this, we are still hard at work serving you and our community. Our programs might be temporarily cancelled, but the work of the church is more than a program or ministry. Please continue giving. Our community needs the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ now more than ever. Send your tithes and offerings in weekly. If you find yourself quarantined and unable to go to the store or need help, please let us know. Look for ways to to love your neighbor, old or young. Invite a neighbor to join your family for worship in your living room (but practice appropriate social distancing). Call one another and check in to see how folks are doing. And when you hear of a need or concern, please let us know. In the midst of this terrible situation, we have an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus for each other and our neighbors in ways we’d never dreamed.
The Church has faced pandemics like this time and again throughout history. While we don’t know how long this will last, we know that it too shall pass and look forward to the time when we can worship and be together in person. Until then, be wise and prudent. Practice good hygiene, appropriate social distancing, and the guidance of our governing authorities. Help where you are able. And above and beyond all else, pray. For we are all in God’s hands, and we should earnestly pray for his mercy to bring an end to this pestilence both here and abroad.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. David Garrison

NEPC Student Ministries News & Info – August 2019

Things for the youth ministry at Northminster slowed down over the summer, but we’re cranking things back up as we get ready for the fall!
Welcome Rising 6th Graders!
We’re excited to have you join us! You are welcome to join us for Sunday school on Sunday mornings any time! John Lange and Sharon Bryant are our teachers, and they’d love to see you at 9:45 on Sundays.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, August 7, ~6:30 @ Venue Cinemas — We’ll meet at Venue Cinemas around 6:30 to catch a fun summer movie! Which one? No idea – the schedule isn’t out yet. We’ll email once it is with specifics. Interested? Be sure to let Pastor Dave know!
Sunday, August 18, 5:30-7:30 — It’s time to bid adieu to summer. Join us at the Garrisons for a fun-filled game night, dinner included. This will be a great way to de-stress after the first few days of school and as you prepare for your first full week. This is also a particularly good event for folks who haven’t been to youth group before to come and meet the other students and get a sense for what we’re all about!

Youth Group Kicks Off Sunday, September 9!

Every Sunday, beginning September 9
Like a tattoo, our lives show we’ve been marked.

Youth Ministry End-Of-Summer Back-To-School Cookout! Sunday, August 19

Sunday, August 19
@ The Garrisons