Our Mission Statement

Experiencing and sharing God’s love to transform our homes, community, and world.

Reaching out
Spiritual development
Small groups
Children and youth
Older Adults


 We Seek To Be…

A Worshiping Church

We believe that the highest calling and first responsibility of Christians is the worship of God.  Therefore, the focus of our Sunday morning service is on God: praising God in prayer and song, confessing our sins, hearing God’s Word proclaimed through Biblically based sermons, and responding with  renewed commitment of our lives.
Learn more about our worship by clicking here.

A Serving 

We believe the disciples of Christ should be reaching out to each other and the world through giving and through deeds of service. To this end, we support missions at home and in foreign lands. In 1997 Northminster provided the finances to build a “sister church” in the nation of Nepal; and in 2001, joined with another local church to finance a second church in Nepal. In Amherst County, the church supports the local M.S. Support Group, Helping Hands Ministry, Monroe Baptist Church Food Pantry, Amherst Cares Backpack Program, Neighbors Helping Neighbors, and Habitat for Humanity. We encourage our members to serve through involvement in the ministries of the church.
Learn more about the ways we serve locally and internationally by clicking here.

A Learning Church

The word “disciple” means learner or follower. As disciples of Christ, we believe we should be learning about Christ and how to follow Him in this world. We believe God has inspired the Bible, and still speaks through the Bible to lead us to understand who God is and what He expects of us. We believe the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Shorter and Longer Catechisms state the essentials of the Christian faith. And we are also guided by other creeds such as the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, etc..
Learn more about how we seek to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ by clicking here.

What We Believe

As members of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, we subscribe to and abide by the 