Welcome to Northminster

We are a biblically-based Presbyterian church seeking to experience and share God’s love to transform our homes, community and the world. We hope you will join us.

Join us this Sunday!

We have Sunday school for all ages at 9:00, and the worship service is at 10:30am. We look forward to seeing you! 

Upcoming Events

The Latest from our blogs…

2018 Youth Ministry Winter Retreat

We’re partnering with several churches from Lynchburg, Roanoke for an awesome winter retreat at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center!  This is open to all students from 6th through 12th grades.  It’s going to be a fantastic time and we hope you’ll join us.
We will meet at Northminster at 2PM on Sunday, January 14 and return at 5PM Monday, January 15.  Don’t worry, it’s MLK weekend, so there’s no school on Monday.
The cost is $54 per student.  Registration deadline is Sunday, December 31.
Click this link to sign up and download a permission slip!  We look forward to seeing you there!


Pastor’s Corner – December 2017

Waiting for What?

Each year, the month of December is marked by the Christian season of Advent. The word “advent” comes from the latin word, adventus, which means “coming” or “arrival.” It’s a season of preparation, of “expectant waiting.” Waiting for what, exactly? Well, somewhat obviously, we’re waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. Why are we preparing for something that’s already happened?

Remembering and Anticipating

With each passing year, it is getting easier to lose our focus on Jesus’ birth over the course of a month filled with shopping, Christmas parties, family gatherings and the general chaos and hustle of the month. Taking time to reflect carefully on hopeful anticipation of the Hebrew people waiting for their Messiah and the wonder of the incarnation provides an antidote to the rampant consumerism of this season.
But more than just remembering Christ’s first Advent, we look forward with hopeful anticipation for His second coming. As Philip Reindeers writes,
Advent is a season of expectant waiting, tapping into the sense we have that all is not well, the longing for the world to be made right again. It’s a season for restless hearts and people weary of a broken world who want, with all our being, to know there’s more than this.
Advent cultivates in us a discerning eye, helping us to spot the sin that clutters our lives and notice all the ways we need to be saved. By helping us to hope intensely for restoration, to feel our own need to be saved, Advent prepares us for genuine Christmas joy and faith in the One who saves us from our sin, Jesus.
Obviously we don’t need to be saved over and over again – Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection from the dead has atoned, paid for, all of our sins once and for all. But the Christian life is one of growing deeper in our relationship to God and realizing that there is more sinful clutter in our soul than we might’ve realized. This Advent, may we all be filled with joy in knowing that our Savior knows us better than we know ourselves, came 2,000 years ago to redeem us from our sins, and is going to come back one day soon and make all that is broken right.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amen!
Rev. David Garrison


Youth Ministry Christmas Celebration – December 10, 6:00PM

All students in 5th through 12th grade are invited to join us as we celebrate the season with crazy Christmas games, fun activities, a message reminding us of why Christmas matters, and, of course, a ‘white elephant’ gift exchange!  Each student should bring a gift (the crazier the better, but keep it under $5…and yes, the sweater grandma gave you last Christmas is perfect for a white elephant gift exchange!).  As always, we’ll wrap up by 7:30.  We’ll see you (and we hope you’ll bring a friend, too) there!


Christmas Decorating – December 2

It’s that exciting time of year when we dress up our homes for Christmas. And, we also delight in being able to dress up God’s house, too. We would love for you to join us Saturday, December 2, from 9am – noon (or whenever during that time you are available), as we put up beautiful trees, candles, wreaths, banners, and more! Morning snacks and a light lunch will hopefully make things even more enjoyable! Hope to see you there!


Pastor’s Corner – November 2017

Envisioning The Future

As we mentioned in last month’s newsletter, there will be a Leadership Retreat the weekend of November 10-12. The Session and I are really excited about this opportunity, and want to share a bit more about it with you. While Friday night is particularly for staff and elders, we are encouraging anyone who is interested to join us Saturday (8:30am-4:00pm – lunch included!) as we explore how we can more effectively and intentionally live out The Great Commission at Northminster EPC and in Madison Heights and Amherst County. Dr. Ken Priddy from the EPC’s Go Center will be joining us for this weekend. In addition to the sessions Friday night and Saturday, Dr. Priddy will also be teaching Sunday school and preaching in worship on November 12.

Should You Come?

You might be wondering if you should plan to attend on Saturday. If you are wondering how God might be planning to work in and through Northminster in the years to come, then yes, you should come. If you want to be part of how God is going to work in and through Northminster in the years to come, then yes, you should come. If you have been actively involved in Northminster in the past and have been hoping and praying for her future, yes, you should come. I firmly believe that God has some amazing things in store for this congregation in the years to come, and I think we’ll start to get a glimpse of that over this weekend.
I know lives are busy, and only getting busier this time of year, but we think this is an important opportunity and hope you’ll carve some time out for it. After all, we’re providing lunch!
If you can’t make it Saturday, be sure to be here for Sunday school and worship on Sunday morning, November 12. It’ll be a great opportunity to get a taste of what we talked about on Sunday, as well as being encouraged in knowing that God is still at work in and through us.

Thank You, Once Again

Thank you all for the wonderful service and reception celebrating my installation as your pastor. My family and I continue to be overwhelmed by the warm and loving welcome you have extended to us. Special thanks go out to Anne Wilkins and all who helped coordinate and decorate the Fellowship Hall. It was an amazing evening!
Rev. David Garrison