Welcome to Northminster

We are a biblically-based Presbyterian church seeking to experience and share God’s love to transform our homes, community and the world. We hope you will join us.

Join us this Sunday!

We have Sunday school for all ages at 9:30, and the worship service is at 11:00am. We look forward to seeing you! 

Upcoming Events

The Latest from our blogs…

LENTEN SERVICES Begin Feb. 14, Ash Wednesday

During Lent, we share services with other church neighbors for a time of community worship.  Services begin at 12 Noon and at about 12:30, lunch is served by the host church.  To help defray expenses, a donation for lunch is appreciated.

The offering taken at each service is in support of The Helping Hands Ministry of this part of Amherst County. The Helping Hands is administered through Madison Heights Baptist Church and assists our neighbors in need.


Feb 14 Union Christian Church                    

Feb 21  Elon Baptist Church                        

Feb 28  Monroe United Methodist

March 7 Elon Presbyterian

March 14 First Baptist Church-Monroe

Mar 21      NORTHMINSTER EPC         

 (No Lenten Service during Holy Week)

 Mar 25-Palm Sunday        April 1-EASTER


YARD SALE TO SUPPORT Daystar Junior School- Sat., April 21

Last August on a missions Sunday, we heard Nyanzi Jude speak about his Christian school in Uganda, serving children ages 3- approximately 11.  Although his school is growing, they still have many needs.  Since last fall, the school has been building a larger structure with a new kitchen; however, they still have not finished.

On April 21 we will hold a yard sale to raise money to support Daystar Junior School.  We are excited for the possibility of giving these young children a better, healthier environment in which to learn and grow in their Christian faith.

We welcome items for children such as toys, clothes, furniture, also books for all ages, and most household items.  We have seen in the past that adult clothing does not sell well, so we will not be accepting clothes.          

Watch our newsletter and website for more details as we get closer to April 21.  Contact Vonnie Rucker or Maggie Brockman if you have questions.

Visit Daystar’s website to learn more about the work at Daystar Junior School Kirombe. http://www.daystar.ac.ug.   Also friend Nyanzi Jude on his FaceBook page.


Keeping up with Northminster on Facebook

One of the tools we, and many other churches, use to stay connected with our members and the community is Facebook.  Recently, Facebook has made some much needed changes to what appears in your news feed.  While these changes are necessary and important, one of the consequences is that our posts to our Facebook Page aren’t pushed out to those who “like” our page as much as they used to be.  Here are some helpful tips on how to ensure that you are seeing our posts:
  • Make sure you click “See First”. As shown in the picture above, this will prioritize Northminster’s posts in your news feed.  Hover over the “Following” button near the cover photo, then select “See First.”
  • Edit your News Feed Preferences.  On a desktop computer, click the Down Arrow next to the Help icon (a ‘?’) in the upper right corner, then click “News Feed Preferences.”  In the Facebook app on your phone or tablet, click the Menu icon in the bottom right corner (looks like three lines), then scroll down to “News Feed Preferences.”  From here, you can choose which pages you would like to see more frequently in your news feed.
  • Like, Comment and Share posts.  The more folks interact with posts on the church’s Page, the more people will be reached with those posts.  You can also share any posts or sermons from our website by clicking the blue “Share” button included in each post.
We hope these tips will be helpful for you.  Let us know if you have any questions!


Valentine’s Covered Dish Lunch this Sunday

The Fellowship Committee would like to invite you to stay after church this Sunday, February 11 for a covered dish meal immediately following the worship service. The theme is Valentine’s, and everyone is invited to attend and bring a favorite dish to share.
We look forward to seeing you there!  Contact the church office if you have any questions.


Pastor’s Corner – February 2018

Most folks really struggle with February. Even though the days are getting longer, it’s often the month that winter really kicks into gear – the coldest temperatures and messiest weather. I think part of what makes it worse is the “indian summer” that so often happens in mid- to late-January. Having been teased a taste of spring, to have winter make a comeback just makes it so much worse. Added to the mix is the reality that, in most years, Lent kicks off in February. So not only is it still cold and dark weather-wise, but the church kicks off what is often considered to be it’s most drab and drear season. At least, that’s how I always viewed Lent when I was a child.  Maybe for you as well.

Lent = Lencten = “Springtime”

So it’s probably not too hard for you to imagine my surprise when I found out that the word “Lent” comes from an Old English word, lencten, which is best translated as “springtime.” Chuck DeGroat writes, “In this season, one begins to see the goodness which emerges from the darkness of Winter. But the darkness of Winter is necessary for the greening of Spring.” There is, and ought to be, a somberness associated with the season of Lent, but that’s not all that there should be.

Spring Cleaning for your Soul

As we transition from winter to spring, most of us will celebrate the annual ritual known as “spring cleaning.” We clean out the cruft, muck, dust and general detritus that’s built up in our homes and yards over the past year in preparation for the warmth and growth of spring. Spring cleaning isn’t usually fun, and it’s often messy, but it’s worth the work because we know what is to come. Lent is the season of the year when we do the same thing spiritually. What happens physically in and around our homes happens spiritually in our hearts and souls as well. It is my hope and prayer that the season of Lent would be an opportunity for you to have “Springtime for your Soul.”
This year, Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14 (how ironic). We have a variety of ways for you take time for spiritual spring cleaning, from new devotionals, to a Sunday sermon series, to Wednesday Lenten services shared with churches around the area. Keep your eyes and ears open for special worship opportunities during Holy Week as well. May God bless you and enrich your soul this Lent!
Rev. David Garrison