Welcome to Northminster

We are a biblically-based Presbyterian church seeking to experience and share God’s love to transform our homes, community and the world. We hope you will join us.

Join us this Sunday!

We have Sunday school for all ages at 9:00, and the worship service is at 10:30am. We look forward to seeing you! 

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Paul & Reinhild Sydnor Update September 2018


In August, I was in the States for our organisational meetings. We had a full summer of ministry. Two highlights of ministry were the youth camp and a music workshop. I created a short video about each of those which you can find at the following links.



  For the past six weeks Reinhild has been suffering from the Trigeminal Neuralgia nerve disorder. This causes excruciating attacks of pain in her face. (Click here for more Info.) She has constant itching all over her body from the side-effects of the medicine. She can’t speak and can’t sleep more than a few hours at a time. She can only eat a few spoonfuls of liquid each day and she has lost a lot of weight.
The neurologist increased the medication (Tegretol) to 800 mg today and said that if the pain does not break by Monday then he will hospitalise her in order to treat her further for the pain. He will also schedule her for an MRI as soon as possible.
She went to visit her Mom while I was in the States and is still there. This has been a blessing. The house is quiet and her mom takes care of her like no one else could. There is no stress from the routine of daily life and ministry. I’ll see her again at the end of next week. You can write her at: Reinhild.Sydnor@gmail.com
With each week, she has expected that it will eventually pass. But now after six weeks she is really tired.
I have kept up with various ministry efforts and have not been there with her. We send messages via Skype each day. If I were there, she would have the stress of meals and activities she can’t do and one more person to communicate with –which is stressful. Still, it is hard to be separated and to see there is nothing that helps.
So we are calling on God’s help everyday and ask for your prayers too.
Paul for Reinhild
Organization & Financial Details
International Association for Refugees
P.O. Box 1405
Wheaton, IL 60187-1405 USA
If you would like to make a donation to our ministry you can donate online here.
Or, write a check to IAFR for “the Sydnors” and mail it to the address above.
Tel: 612.200.0321
Email: info@iafr.org


Pastor’s Corner – September 2018

For [the sacraments] are visible signs and seals of an inward and invisible thing, by means whereof God worketh in us by the power of the Holy Ghost.
– Belgic Confession Article 33

A New Sign…

Have you noticed there’s a new sign on the front of the church? It’s kind of hard to miss.


Table Talk Resumes Wednesday, September 19

This fall, we’ll launch our Wednesday evening Table Talk by concluding our series of studies Christian Faith and Other Faiths: Understanding and Outreach. We’ll begin with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), more popularly known as the Mormons. We’ll look first at the founding and the growth of the LDS. Then, following the pattern of our previous studies, we’ll look at points of contact and points of conflict between the LDS and historic Christianity. We’ll follow a similar outline in exploring the history, theology, and practices of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If you’ve ever wondered about either of these faiths – what they believe, why they are so persistent about coming to your door, or how to engage them in conversation – bring your questions and join us Wednesday evenings, beginning at 5:30 PM.
Click here to learn more about Table Talk.


Church Picnic – Sunday, September 23 @ 5PM

Annual Church Picnic

Sunday, Sept. 23, beginning at 5PM

We’ll eat at tables under the big tent in the backyard of the church by the shade trees. There will be games for kids of all ages, great food and live bluegrass music provided by the talented Moore family, featuring Axn Jxn! The church will provide hamburgers and hot dogs cooked on the grill, beverages, buns and condiments. All who attend are asked to bring their favorite picnic dish to share. This is a great opportunity to invite extended family, former members, or someone looking for a church family, and let them experience what a
fun group your NEPC family is! In case of inclement weather, picnic will be moved inside to the fellowship hall. Please contact the church office or see the  sign up sheet outside the sanctuary to reserve your seat(s).


Youth Group Kicks Off Sunday, September 9!

Every Sunday, beginning September 9

Youth Group returns on Sunday, September 9 at 6 PM!  We hope you’ll plan to join us each week for fun games and opportunities to understand who Jesus is and who He is inviting you to become.  All students in 6th-12th grade are welcome.
Our fall series is Inked.

Like a tattoo, our lives show we’ve been marked.

People get tattoos for a lot of different reasons, but in almost every case, it’s because they want to make a statement. To physically and permanently show others something about themselves, or what they believe, or what’s important to them. And the thing about tattoos? They’re pretty much forever. You can’t easily get rid of that statement, that mark.
The Christian life is a lot like a tattoo. When we place our trust in Christ, our lives are changed, transformed, marked. Permanently. And how we live our lives, the decisions and choices we make every day, speak as loudly as a tattoo. What does your life tell others?
Each Sunday @ Youth Group we’ll be exploring just what a life marked for Christ looks like. What are the characteristics and attributes that show a life that lives and shows “trust in Christ, expressed in love” (Gal. 5:6)? How do we live this out in our daily lives?
Join us each week as we explore those questions and more!
Want to learn more about the Youth Ministry at Northminster?  Click here!